Books are listed in alphabetical order.
If no ISBN is listed, the title is only available in digital formats
Book Title | Book Info | |
72 HoursThe Devlin Group, Book 1 |
June 20, 2006 |
A Fighting Chance |
Carina Press (February 1, 2016) |
A Kowalski SecretThe Kowalski Family, Book 12 |
Harlequin Special Edition (April 1, 2025) |
A Kowalski To Count OnThe Kowalski Family, Book 11 |
Harlequin Special Edition (January 21, 2025) |
A Second ShotHockey Romance, Book 2 |
December 14, 2018 |
All He Ever DesiredThe Kowalski Family, Book 5 |
Harlequin (November 12, 2012) |
All He Ever DreamedThe Kowalski Family, Book 6 |
Harlequin (January 21, 2013) |
All He Ever NeededThe Kowalski Family, Book 4 |
Harlequin (September 10, 2012) |
All Is BrightHer Holiday Man, Holiday with a Twist, Hold Her Again |
Carina Press (October 15, 2018) |
Alone with You |
Harlequin HQN (February 11, 2014) |
An Unexpected CowboySutton's Place, Book 2 |
Harlequin Special Edition (March 29, 2022) |
Be Mineincluding Alone with You |
Harlequin (January 22, 2013) |
Becoming Miss BeckyGardiner, Texas, Book 2 |
September 23, 2008 |
Boston Fire Collection Volume 1Heat Exchange, Controlled Burn, Fully Ignited |
Carina Press (March 12, 2018) |
Boston Fire Collection Volume 2Hot Response, Under Control, Flare Up |
Carina Press (May 13, 2019) |
Controlled BurnBoston Fire, Book 2 |
Carina Press (November 24, 2015) |
Defending HeartsBoys of Fall Series, Book 2 |
Berkley Jove (October 27, 2015) |
Exclusively YoursThe Kowalski Family, Book 1 |
Harlequin (January 1, 2012) |
Expecting Her Ex’s BabySutton's Place, Book 3 |
Harlequin Special Edition (July 26, 2022) |
Falling For His Fake GirlfriendSutton's Place, Book 4 |
Harlequin Special Edition (December 27, 2022) |
Falling for MaxThe Kowalski Family, Book 9 |
Carina Press (July 29, 2014) |
Feels Like Christmas |
October 18, 2021 |
Flare UpBoston Fire, Book 6 |
Carina Press (January 29, 2019) |
Forever Again |
January 3, 2006 |
Fully IgnitedBoston Fire, Book 3 |
Carina Press (February 23, 2016) |
Heart of the Storm |
Harlequin (January 5, 2015) |
Heat ExchangeBoston Fire, Book 1 |
Carina Press (August 25, 2015) |
Her Holiday Man |
Carina Press (November 3, 2014) |
Her Hometown ManSutton's Place, Book 1 |
Harlequin Special Edition (December 28, 2021) |
Her Younger ManSutton's Place, Book 5 |
Harlequin Special Edition (July 25, 2023) |
Here We GoHockey Romance, Book 1 |
January 20, 2020 |
Hold Her Again |
Carina Press (October 23, 2017) |
Holiday Kissesincluding Mistletoe & Margaritas |
Carina Press (December 5, 2011) |
Holiday Sparks |
Carina Press (December 6, 2010) |
Holiday with a Twist |
Carina Press (November 13, 2017) |
HomecomingBoys of Fall Series, Book 3 |
Berkley Jove (August 30, 2016) |
Hot ResponseBoston Fire, Book 4 |
Carina Press (April 24, 2018) |
In the Spirit |
December 19, 2006 |
Interstellar Sparks |
Shannon Stacey (January 18, 2018) |
Kiss Me Deadly |
Love A Little SidewaysThe Kowalski Family, Book 7 |
Harlequin (November 26, 2013) |
Married by MistakeSutton's Place, Book 6 |
Harlequin Special Edition (November 28, 2023) |
Mistletoe & Margaritas |
Carina Press (December 5, 2011) |
More Than NeighborsBlackberry Bay Book 1 |
Harlequin Special Edition (July 1, 2020) |
No Place to HideThe Devlin Group, Book 4 |
August 20, 2014 |
No SurrenderThe Devlin Group, Book 3 |
August 25, 2009 |
No Way OutThe Devlin Group, Book 5 |
January 24, 2023 |
On the EdgeThe Devlin Group, Book 2 |
March 27, 2007 |
One Christmas EveCedar Street, Book 2 |
Carina Press (November 11, 2019) |
One Summer WeekendCedar Street, Book 1 |
Carina Press (August 5, 2019) |
Slow Summer Kisses |
Carina Press (June 4, 2012) |
Snow Dayincluding Heart of the Storm |
Harlequin (January 1, 2014) |
Snowbound with the CEO |
Carina Press (November 4, 2013) |
Stranded In A Small Town ChristmasHoliday HEA, Book 1 |
November 22, 2022 |
Taken with YouThe Kowalski Family, Book 8 |
Harlequin (March 25, 2014) |
Taming Eliza JaneGardiner, Texas, Book 1 |
June 12, 2007 |
That Reilly Boy |
April 22, 205 |
The Devlin Group Boxed Set Books 1-4The Devlin Group, Collection (Books 1-4) |
November 15, 2021 |
The Home They BuiltBlackberry Bay, Book 3 |
Harlequin Special Edition (February 1, 2021) |
The Kowalskis Collection Volume 1Exclusively Yours, Undeniably Yours, Yours To Keep |
Carina Press (June 11, 2018) |
The Kowalskis Collection Volume 2All He Ever Needed, All He Ever Desired, All He Ever Dreamed |
Carina Press (July 16, 2018) |
The Kowalskis Collection Volume 3Love a Little Sideways, Taken with You, Falling for Max, What It Takes |
Carina Press (November 12, 2018) |
Their Christmas Baby ContractBlackberry Bay Book 2 |
Harlequin Special Edition (November 1, 2020) |
There’s Only One SleighHoliday HEA, Book 2 |
November 24, 2024 |
Through the Rain |
April 12, 2022 |
Twice Upon A Road Trip |
October 5, 2005 |
Undeniably YoursThe Kowalski Family, Book 2 |
Harlequin (February 1, 2012) |
Under ControlBoston Fire, Book 5 |
Carina Press (August 28, 2018) |
Under the LightsBoys of Fall Series, Book 1 |
Berkley Jove (May 26, 2015) |
What It TakesThe Kowalski Family, Book 10 |
Carina Press (February 28, 2017) |
Yours to KeepThe Kowalski Family, Book 3 |
Harlequin (March 1, 2012) |
Books are listed in reversed chronological order.
If no ISBN is listed, the title is currently only available in digital formats.
Book Title | Book Info | |
That Reilly Boy |
April 22, 205 |
A Kowalski SecretThe Kowalski Family, Book 12 |
Harlequin Special Edition (April 1, 2025) |
A Kowalski To Count OnThe Kowalski Family, Book 11 |
Harlequin Special Edition (January 21, 2025) |
There’s Only One SleighHoliday HEA, Book 2 |
November 24, 2024 |
Married by MistakeSutton's Place, Book 6 |
Harlequin Special Edition (November 28, 2023) |
Her Younger ManSutton's Place, Book 5 |
Harlequin Special Edition (July 25, 2023) |
No Way OutThe Devlin Group, Book 5 |
January 24, 2023 |
Falling For His Fake GirlfriendSutton's Place, Book 4 |
Harlequin Special Edition (December 27, 2022) |
Stranded In A Small Town ChristmasHoliday HEA, Book 1 |
November 22, 2022 |
Expecting Her Ex’s BabySutton's Place, Book 3 |
Harlequin Special Edition (July 26, 2022) |
Through the Rain |
April 12, 2022 |
The Devlin Group Boxed Set Books 1-4The Devlin Group, Collection (Books 1-4) |
November 15, 2021 |
An Unexpected CowboySutton's Place, Book 2 |
Harlequin Special Edition (March 29, 2022) |
Her Hometown ManSutton's Place, Book 1 |
Harlequin Special Edition (December 28, 2021) |
Feels Like Christmas |
October 18, 2021 |
The Home They BuiltBlackberry Bay, Book 3 |
Harlequin Special Edition (February 1, 2021) |
Their Christmas Baby ContractBlackberry Bay Book 2 |
Harlequin Special Edition (November 1, 2020) |
More Than NeighborsBlackberry Bay Book 1 |
Harlequin Special Edition (July 1, 2020) |
Here We GoHockey Romance, Book 1 |
January 20, 2020 |
One Christmas EveCedar Street, Book 2 |
Carina Press (November 11, 2019) |
One Summer WeekendCedar Street, Book 1 |
Carina Press (August 5, 2019) |
Flare UpBoston Fire, Book 6 |
Carina Press (January 29, 2019) |
A Second ShotHockey Romance, Book 2 |
December 14, 2018 |
Boston Fire Collection Volume 2Hot Response, Under Control, Flare Up |
Carina Press (May 13, 2019) |
The Kowalskis Collection Volume 3Love a Little Sideways, Taken with You, Falling for Max, What It Takes |
Carina Press (November 12, 2018) |
All Is BrightHer Holiday Man, Holiday with a Twist, Hold Her Again |
Carina Press (October 15, 2018) |
The Kowalskis Collection Volume 2All He Ever Needed, All He Ever Desired, All He Ever Dreamed |
Carina Press (July 16, 2018) |
The Kowalskis Collection Volume 1Exclusively Yours, Undeniably Yours, Yours To Keep |
Carina Press (June 11, 2018) |
Under ControlBoston Fire, Book 5 |
Carina Press (August 28, 2018) |
Hot ResponseBoston Fire, Book 4 |
Carina Press (April 24, 2018) |
Boston Fire Collection Volume 1Heat Exchange, Controlled Burn, Fully Ignited |
Carina Press (March 12, 2018) |
Interstellar Sparks |
Shannon Stacey (January 18, 2018) |
Holiday with a Twist |
Carina Press (November 13, 2017) |
Hold Her Again |
Carina Press (October 23, 2017) |
What It TakesThe Kowalski Family, Book 10 |
Carina Press (February 28, 2017) |
Twice Upon A Road Trip |
October 5, 2005 |
HomecomingBoys of Fall Series, Book 3 |
Berkley Jove (August 30, 2016) |
Fully IgnitedBoston Fire, Book 3 |
Carina Press (February 23, 2016) |
A Fighting Chance |
Carina Press (February 1, 2016) |
Controlled BurnBoston Fire, Book 2 |
Carina Press (November 24, 2015) |
Defending HeartsBoys of Fall Series, Book 2 |
Berkley Jove (October 27, 2015) |
Heat ExchangeBoston Fire, Book 1 |
Carina Press (August 25, 2015) |
Under the LightsBoys of Fall Series, Book 1 |
Berkley Jove (May 26, 2015) |
Heart of the Storm |
Harlequin (January 5, 2015) |
Her Holiday Man |
Carina Press (November 3, 2014) |
No Place to HideThe Devlin Group, Book 4 |
August 20, 2014 |
Falling for MaxThe Kowalski Family, Book 9 |
Carina Press (July 29, 2014) |
Taken with YouThe Kowalski Family, Book 8 |
Harlequin (March 25, 2014) |
Alone with You |
Harlequin HQN (February 11, 2014) |
Snow Dayincluding Heart of the Storm |
Harlequin (January 1, 2014) |
Love A Little SidewaysThe Kowalski Family, Book 7 |
Harlequin (November 26, 2013) |
Snowbound with the CEO |
Carina Press (November 4, 2013) |
Be Mineincluding Alone with You |
Harlequin (January 22, 2013) |
All He Ever DreamedThe Kowalski Family, Book 6 |
Harlequin (January 21, 2013) |
All He Ever DesiredThe Kowalski Family, Book 5 |
Harlequin (November 12, 2012) |
All He Ever NeededThe Kowalski Family, Book 4 |
Harlequin (September 10, 2012) |
Slow Summer Kisses |
Carina Press (June 4, 2012) |
Yours to KeepThe Kowalski Family, Book 3 |
Harlequin (March 1, 2012) |
Undeniably YoursThe Kowalski Family, Book 2 |
Harlequin (February 1, 2012) |
Exclusively YoursThe Kowalski Family, Book 1 |
Harlequin (January 1, 2012) |
Holiday Kissesincluding Mistletoe & Margaritas |
Carina Press (December 5, 2011) |
Mistletoe & Margaritas |
Carina Press (December 5, 2011) |
Holiday Sparks |
Carina Press (December 6, 2010) |
No SurrenderThe Devlin Group, Book 3 |
August 25, 2009 |
Becoming Miss BeckyGardiner, Texas, Book 2 |
September 23, 2008 |
Taming Eliza JaneGardiner, Texas, Book 1 |
June 12, 2007 |
On the EdgeThe Devlin Group, Book 2 |
March 27, 2007 |
In the Spirit |
December 19, 2006 |
Kiss Me Deadly |
72 HoursThe Devlin Group, Book 1 |
June 20, 2006 |
Forever Again |
January 3, 2006 |
If no ISBN is listed, the title is only available in digital formats.
Book Title | Book Info | |
Sutton's Place | ||
Her Hometown ManBook 1 |
Harlequin Special Edition (December 28, 2021) |
An Unexpected CowboyBook 2 |
Harlequin Special Edition (March 29, 2022) |
Expecting Her Ex’s BabyBook 3 |
Harlequin Special Edition (July 26, 2022) |
Falling For His Fake GirlfriendBook 4 |
Harlequin Special Edition (December 27, 2022) |
Her Younger ManBook 5 |
Harlequin Special Edition (July 25, 2023) |
Married by MistakeBook 6 |
Harlequin Special Edition (November 28, 2023) |
Holiday HEA | ||
Stranded In A Small Town ChristmasBook 1 |
November 22, 2022 |
There’s Only One SleighBook 2 |
November 24, 2024 |
The Devlin Group | ||
72 HoursBook 1 |
June 20, 2006 |
On the EdgeBook 2 |
March 27, 2007 |
No SurrenderBook 3 |
August 25, 2009 |
No Place to HideBook 4 |
August 20, 2014 |
The Devlin Group Boxed Set Books 1-4Collection (Books 1-4) |
November 15, 2021 |
No Way OutBook 5 |
January 24, 2023 |
Hockey Romance | ||
Here We GoBook 1 |
January 20, 2020 |
A Second ShotBook 2 |
December 14, 2018 |
Blackberry Bay | ||
More Than NeighborsBlackberry Bay Book 1 |
Harlequin Special Edition (July 1, 2020) |
Their Christmas Baby ContractBlackberry Bay Book 2 |
Harlequin Special Edition (November 1, 2020) |
The Home They BuiltBook 3 |
Harlequin Special Edition (February 1, 2021) |
The Kowalski Family | ||
Exclusively YoursBook 1 |
Harlequin (January 1, 2012) |
Undeniably YoursBook 2 |
Harlequin (February 1, 2012) |
Yours to KeepBook 3 |
Harlequin (March 1, 2012) |
All He Ever NeededBook 4 |
Harlequin (September 10, 2012) |
All He Ever DesiredBook 5 |
Harlequin (November 12, 2012) |
All He Ever DreamedBook 6 |
Harlequin (January 21, 2013) |
Love A Little SidewaysBook 7 |
Harlequin (November 26, 2013) |
Taken with YouBook 8 |
Harlequin (March 25, 2014) |
Falling for MaxBook 9 |
Carina Press (July 29, 2014) |
What It TakesBook 10 |
Carina Press (February 28, 2017) |
A Kowalski To Count OnBook 11 |
Harlequin Special Edition (January 21, 2025) |
A Kowalski SecretBook 12 |
Harlequin Special Edition (April 1, 2025) |
The Kowalskis Collection Volume 1Exclusively Yours, Undeniably Yours, Yours To Keep |
Carina Press (June 11, 2018) |
The Kowalskis Collection Volume 2All He Ever Needed, All He Ever Desired, All He Ever Dreamed |
Carina Press (July 16, 2018) |
The Kowalskis Collection Volume 3Love a Little Sideways, Taken with You, Falling for Max, What It Takes |
Carina Press (November 12, 2018) |
Boston Fire | ||
Heat ExchangeBook 1 |
Carina Press (August 25, 2015) |
Controlled BurnBook 2 |
Carina Press (November 24, 2015) |
Fully IgnitedBook 3 |
Carina Press (February 23, 2016) |
Hot ResponseBook 4 |
Carina Press (April 24, 2018) |
Under ControlBook 5 |
Carina Press (August 28, 2018) |
Flare UpBook 6 |
Carina Press (January 29, 2019) |
Boston Fire Collection Volume 1Heat Exchange, Controlled Burn, Fully Ignited |
Carina Press (March 12, 2018) |
Boston Fire Collection Volume 2Hot Response, Under Control, Flare Up |
Carina Press (May 13, 2019) |
Boys of Fall Series | ||
Under the LightsBook 1 |
Berkley Jove (May 26, 2015) |
Defending HeartsBook 2 |
Berkley Jove (October 27, 2015) |
HomecomingBook 3 |
Berkley Jove (August 30, 2016) |
Cedar Street | ||
One Summer WeekendBook 1 |
Carina Press (August 5, 2019) |
One Christmas EveBook 2 |
Carina Press (November 11, 2019) |
Gardiner, Texas | ||
Taming Eliza JaneBook 1 |
June 12, 2007 |
Becoming Miss BeckyBook 2 |
September 23, 2008 |